1. Europe 2017 – Carrefour Hypermarket
This is the first of my articles relating to our European trip in July. We visited Copenhagen, Berlin, Bremen, Amsterdam, Bruges, and our final destination, Paris. While there, I wanted to go to a large retail store and see what is was like and hopefully purchase some goodies to take home. We were traveling light and could not take too much with us, but I still had to get some more cooking things!
Looking online for a place to go, I read about the Carrefour chain and its hypermarket in Paris. This hypermarket was equated somewhat to our Walmart superstores. Of course, I had to go and see for myself. When we first walked in, the non-food items were displayed near the entrance and they did resemble what you might see at a Walmart. However, when we got to the food section, oh my…Absolutely no comparison.
I wish I could have brought home some different flours seen in the picture above, but flour is a bit heavy to travel with. I did, however, purchase many other culinary items and in future articles/videos, will be comparing and contrasting. Coming next up next: French yeast vs. Aldi. Stay tuned…
Side note: One thing that I noticed in all the countries we visited in Europe, is that the ingredients listed on products appear to be more natural than those same products in the states. Especially when it comes to artificial food coloring. I’ve never understood why most pickles in the US have yellow food coloring in them. A topic for another article!