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Sweet Potato Pierogi

Red Cabbage and sweet potato pierogi

To make sweet potato filled pierogi,  I just used my regular recipe (sort of) for Potato and Cheese Filling and substituted sweet potatoes for the baking potatoes (Russets). First, boil the sweet potatoes in their skins and then rice (or mash) and add to the rest of the ingredients. You may want to use a mixture of both potato types, because the sweet potatoes have a lot more moisture in them, making it more difficult to pinch and seal. Feel free to experiment with quantities. I made a small batch with just a couple of small sweet potatoes. added a bit of cheese and onions without measuring. They were sweetly delicious!

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How To Make Pierogi

I’m happy to announce that my How To Make Pierogi DVD is now available at for only $9.50. This DVD is the perfect gift for anyone who likes to cook and eat, especially Polish food.

How To Make Pierogi DVD

As the owner of Susan’s Cooking School and former owner of Polonaise Restaurant, I share all my secrets and tips on how to make the perfect pierogi dough and two delicious fillings: Potato & Cheese and Sauerkraut & Mushroom! Step by step instructions will guide you in every step of the process, including how to roll out the dough, cut the circles, fill and boil. Sautéing and presentation are also included.

 Happy Cooking!